Exercise, the New Year and Covid-19
To say that the start of 2021 is unlike any other would be an understatement. January is when we would typically make our New Year Resolutions. We take stalk of what worked last year and what didn’t work so well. We revise our plan, our resolutions and get to work.
Often those resolutions involve our eating habits, sleep habits and our physical fitness. All of these things have been affected by Covid-19 but I’d like to talk mostly about the physical fitness aspect.
We are social creatures by nature and so we love to exercise with friends and in groups. Covid-19 has made that very difficult this year but not entirely impossible. We have to reframe our idea of fun workouts and exercise routines. Going to the gym has been challenging during this time but not impossible. Yes, we’ve had to close for a period of time. Yes, we’ve had to make some big changes to our protocols. Rest assured that it is safe and still fun to go to the gym. We are not able to gather in large groups and offer a large class but you can still arrange to work out with a friend or two. We continue to offer guidance with personal training. We’ve changed our routines a little to accommodate space and equipment restrictions but it doesn’t stop us from getting our workout in. We laugh and socialize as we always did. We might have to wear a mask but we can still tell stories and joke as we always did. We clean more than ever now in the gym, wiping equipment before and after use but it just adds to the workout. I have to say, we’ve had very few members out sick with the typical cold and flus we would usually see. I guess we take the good with the inconvenience of Covid-19.
If heading to a fitness centre to work on that New Year’s resolution just doesn’t sit well with you, there are so many other options available. Revisit the idea of outdoor activities like walking, skiing, snowshoeing, winter biking or skating. There is also an opportunity to set yourself up with some home exercise options (and if you need some guidance we can still offer in-home personal training or set you up with home exercises). Many of us are working from home and a home exercise routine may work great. Going to the gym may be just the break you need to get out of the house as well. The message I’m hoping to send is where there is a will there is a way. So find a mode of exercise that is fun, safe and effective and make the most of this crazy year ahead.

Sarah Estabrooks, Kinesiologist
Sarah Estabrooks is a Kinesiologist and manages the Fitness Centre at the Human Performance Centre. She can be contacted at 738-3554